Thursday, October 8, 2009

letter to CEGP Congress (from the US based alumni)

A fiery and militant greetings to the officers, delegates and friends of the 69th CEGP National Convention.

It is with profound joy and pride for us to literally witness the evolution of the Guild where student writers can meet, be informed, discuss and generate resolutions about the present state of the nation. Just like what we did a decade or two ago.

Student writers have a very important role in effecting change in the society. You can not just remain a silent witness to the worsening economic crisis, human rights violations, US intervention to the Philippine affairs, and other harsh realities that the Filipino people endure. Much as student writers nurture and dedicate time in their love of writing, more so must their resolve be in seeking the flame of truth, and the zeal of commitment of serving the people.

A lot of us CEGP alumni left the country, be it by choice, by necessity or systemic victims of the government sponsored Labor Export Policy or LEP. Some of us are in the continental United States. Together with the majority of other OFWs, we are in the situation where we see our native country from afar. In our present locality, we were able to generate objective generalizations on the historical context of our present national problems.

And it always go back to the 3 social evils that for a long time plagued the Filipino people – Imperialism, Feudalism and Bureaucrat-Capitalism.

You are in this Congress to learn and be moved to do something positive about the experience. To absorb the experience is not enough. To write about the clouds and the wind is not the reason why you are part of your campus paper. You are a student writer with a purpose of helping advance the struggle of student rights for a nationalist, scientific and mass-oriented education and by far, you help advance the militant struggle of the oppressed Filipino people.

A bright tomorrow awaits us all. Commit yourself to the fight of the College Editors Guild. Struggle and advance the Activist Campus Press!!!

Rey Arnel Agudana , CEGP 1993 – La Salle Spectrum
Gardini Labao, CEGP 1992 - Bulacan
Yancy Mark -Gandionco , CEGP 2002 - Cebu

Sin-o ako (who am I)?

-- native cook of literary dessert -- a bard yearning to break out -- an Ilonggo waving chunks of muscovado