Friday, July 24, 2009

farmers marching towards Manila (straight from my brain,unedited)

farmers ... tillers of my land
far away on
the move, marching,
chanting their voice hoarse
trying to crack the glass
heavens for the genuine change
and peace that is so
elusive in the present dictatorial
regime of the puppet

glued to the boob tube
wishing I am home

the great multitude of my
people raising their angry fists
defying the State that's never
for them ... for their chidren
and my own .. for all brown skinned
indios, proletariats, peasants
and the working class ... wherever
we may be ...

the doll with the throbbing black mole
must be brought down

Sin-o ako (who am I)?

-- native cook of literary dessert -- a bard yearning to break out -- an Ilonggo waving chunks of muscovado