Thursday, July 23, 2009

sky opening a hazy hue

the sixty tics that
round the face of the clock
made a complete revolve
as words were pumped to
combat the foe in my
legal gobbledygook
(did I even spell it right?)

onward and forward
as I look up the bright sky
devoid of clouds as I
clutch my growling gut
after my struggle with
the 'tikbalang' in Dandy suit
(you expect me to explain this mythical beast?)

temporarily relieved
as I trudge the streets of Gotham
for the remainder of the day
will again be spent in front
of the conveyor belt of
prepping agony and despair
(drifting off and away from the topic)

Sin-o ako (who am I)?

-- native cook of literary dessert -- a bard yearning to break out -- an Ilonggo waving chunks of muscovado